《WINE . Luxe酒.派》雜誌是一本以葡萄酒為主導的時尚雜誌,我們標榜葡萄酒文化與時尚生活品味,亦是全港首創的一本雙語(中文、英文) 免費月刊。《WINE . Luxe酒.派》於二零零九年十二月出版創刊號,在香港發行兩萬本,亦是香港唯一一本免費的葡萄酒雜誌刊物。
Wine.Luxe is the only bi-lingual free monthly magazine specialized in the Taste of Wine and the Metropolitan Lifestyle of Hong Kong that are launched in Dec 2009. There are totally 20,000 copies of circulation in Hong Kong and will be published in China in mid-2011. It is the most effective and the only specific FREE Magazine for promotion of Wine products in Hong Kong.